Saturday, July 23, 2011

Lots of Loot

Just thinking... Texas A&M University just gave their head baseball coach a $400,000 raise (not salary, but RAISE) for taking his team to the World Series.  Why does that happen in the sports world, but not in the academic world?  Think about it.  In classrooms all across the United States, teachers are working under the same stressful conditions (high-stakes pressure, tough performance standards, limited budgets... oh, wait.  I don't think that applies in sports) as coaches do with students who, unlike scholarship athletes,  were not hand-selected to be in their classrooms, who often don't want to be in their classrooms, and cannot be "benched" when they don't perform as desired.  Yet somehow, these teachers are able to draw out "homeruns" and "high scores" and "winning teams" from the students under their care.  In other words, they take their students to the World Series of Life, load the bases, and bring them all in.  Yet what is their reward?  I haven't heard of any making six-digit salaries never mind six-digit raises. Just something to think about it...


  1. Homerun, Sofi! Totally agree 100%. My husband and I have this discussion all the time!

  2. Home Run, Sofi!!! My husband and I have this discussion all the time!!

  3. Unless academic success is valued the same way athletic success is nothing will change! It is a sad state of affairs we live in when this is the norm!
