Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Laughing On Line

After seriously laughing out loud while rereading a Facebook thread I just had with two of my coworkers- one of whom was stuck in a training session she did not want to be in and one who, like me, was trying to cheer her up- I've decided to create a support group for teachers.  You know, a site that would help during those times when teachers are forced to sit through mindless/needless sessions that do not provide any useful ideas likely to be used in the classroom, but do fill a square (for someone, just not the person attending the session).  Here's my idea.

What if teachers were able to access- via their Smart Phones- other teachers who were available to text back and forth with them?  Kinda like what students have been trying to do for years in our classrooms.  It could go nationwide- you wouldn't even have to know the person you were communicating with.  The purpose of the texting would simply be to help teachers make it through their boredom through engaging conversation.  Something that would make their time worthwhile.  I mean think about it- if you're not going to get anything valuable out of the session, you might as well use the time to improve your literacy.  Statistics do show that people who use digital tools improve both their reading and their writing abilities.

I think I'll fly with this.  Volunteers?

1 comment:

  1. FYI- By the time our little sessions finished yesterday,that one thread had over 80 hits on it! Think of all the literacy-building that achieved!
